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Tom Everson

Tom Everson is the Executive Director and founder of KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25! He's an innovator in programs to keep community roads safe!


Tom Everson - Keep Kids Alive Drive 25

Jul 30, 2021
Tom Everson

Surviving Driving Podcast - Tom Everson - Keep Kids Alive Drive 25

Meet Tom Everson, the visionary behind KEEP KIDS ALIVE DRIVE 25!

Years ago he was on a run and had the revelation that he had to start a campaign to protect his kids and community by making roads safer for everyone. He's extremely creative and has incorporated dogs, trash, and many imaginative innovations to drive road safety!

It's the mission of Keep Kids Alive Drive 25 to create safer streets for all who walk, ride, play, and drive. Doing so preserves lives and relationships.  Enjoy today’s conversation and get inspired to keep your community safe!

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